What is the role of a Doula? 


A doula’s goal is to provide you and your partner knowledge in hopes that your birthing experience is a positive one. We provide continuous emotional and physical support, education, and information that will lead to you being in control and understanding the process of birth. We are here to support and advocate in whatever you and your partner wish for your family. 

Every experience, labour, and baby are unique, but my job is to always be a trusted source and friend in your journey. We provide tools and techniques, along with materials throughout your pregnancy to keep you as comfortable as we can. We are a trained birth worker and my job is to not only have you survive your labour, but to thrive within it!


How can a doula enhance my birthing experience?


A Doula can allow both the birther and their partner to feel much more at ease when labour begins. Not only do we support you through the intensity of labour, but our goal is to have you feeling confident in your pregnancy so that your birthing experience isn’t so ‘scary’. We want you and your partner to feel in charge and knowledgeable in all the choices that may be presented to you. The effect on births attended by a doula is astounding: less interventions, shorter, more manageable labour, less caesareans, increased satisfaction with the birthing experience, and more success with moms and breastfeeding. 


Will a Doula Take the Place of My Partner(s)?


Never! If a doula does their job right, both the birther and their partner will feel educated and prepared for labour. A doula’s job (especially with Covid protocols) is to ensure the partner can support their partner through the birth journey. A doula is a support system for all family members. We are a team! In fact, many couples who hire a doula, when we receive feedback, often we are told by the partner how helpful a doula’s role was. Ultimately, a doula can add a more relaxed feeling when labour begins, knowing someone is there who has been trained in all things birth, and acts as YOUR support worker.


How is a Doula Different from a Midwife?


A midwife is a primary healthcare provider (HCP). In Ontario, OHIP covers either an Obstetrician or a Family Doctor or a Midwife. A doula is essentially a support worker, who is trained in all things birth. We are not doctors and we will never administrate medications. A doula is here to educate and support you. 


What if my Doula is sick or in an emergency when I go into labour?


Every doula will have a back up doula who is also certified to attend a birth, until the intended doula should arrive.